We’re Moving

June 06, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce that emmtrix is moving to a new office this Friday, June 7th, 2024!

Our new address will be Erbprinzenstraße 4-12, Entrance A, 76133 Karlsruhe.

Our phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same.

Why the move? We’ve outgrown our current space and our new office will give us the room we need to continue growing and improving our tools and services. We will be right in the centre of Karlsruhe with very good access by public transport and car.

A heartfelt thank you to the team at the Technologiefabrik for being our home for the past 6 years. You’ve provided an amazing environment that has supported our growth and success. From the annual Gründergrillen to the countless networking events, we’ve appreciated every moment.

We look forward to welcoming our clients and partners to our new office soon!

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