Guides, Brochures, Documents and More
In our download area you will find technical information, product brochures, logos, other documents and additional information on emmtrix Technologies.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, let us know via and we will get back to you swiftly.
Journalists are welcome to use our logo for their reporting. Please contact us prior to any publication and we will be happy to support you. Please provide a proof copy. Our partners may use the logo to refer to with a link from their website.

Brochures and Flyers
Automation Tools for Better Code
Learn more about our tools (Performance Estimator, Dependency Analyzer, Parallel Studio, Code Vectorizer, C++ to C Compiler).
Speed up your Software
“Speed up your software with emmtrix Parallel Studio” – get a handy overview of our parallelization tool in this 4-pager and an insight into our interactive workflow.
Multicore Programming Made Easy
Have a look at our flyer for a short and clear presentation of our products and services as well as their benefits.
White Papers
Performance Estimation
In this white paper you will learn more on when and how timing analysis can be applied to a project and see three use cases for performance estimation and their implementation in our solution emmtrix Performance Estimation.
For more information on our tools and services use our contact form or get directly in touch.

Rainer Heim