emmtrix Is Part of the European Research and Innovation Project “StorAIge – embedded storage elements on next MCU generation ready for AI on the edge“
October 18, 2021
EU funding ECSEL: Germany sweeps the board once more in the last round
The EU initiative “Electronics Components and Systems for European Leadership” distributes the last round of funding. Germany is involved in 13 projects.
emmtrix takes part in one of these 13 projects. Since July 01, 2021, emmtrix Technologies has been part of the European research and innovation project “StorAIge – Embedded storage elements on next MCU generation ready for AI on the edge”.
emmtrix will extend their development environment emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS) to support parallelization and optimization of AI applications with respect to StorAIge features, such as new types of memories and AI acceleration. To facilitate development, emmtrix will integrate a virtual target platform in ePS and work on estimating the performance of computing with next-generation memory technologies.
For more info on the StorAIge project and the EU funding ECSEL, please contact us via info@emmtrix.com, +49 721 98 61 4560 and/or visit the following sites:
https://www.heise.de/news/EU-Halbleiterfoerderung-ECSEL-Deutschland-raeumt-in-letzter-Runde-noch-mal-ab-6206591.html and https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101007321/de

This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007321.
The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.