Best Practice

for Multicore

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Your Beginner’s Guide
to Successful Parallelization

New to multicore? Worried about the complexity of parallel programming? Help is at hand! In our 75-minute “Best Practice Webinar for Multicore Programming” we will cover among others the most common techniques how to parallelize code, avoid errors in parallel programming and show you how to successfully predict the performance of a parallelized application. We will also give a good idea of how our automated solution – emmtrix Parallel Studio, makes parallelization easy and show you a couple of key benefits.

What You will Learn

Our webinar is a step-by-step guide for a successful parallelization. At the end of the webinar you will know the key factors for a good performance of your parallel programs.
  • Why use multicore processors?
  • Detect critical parts
  • Find parallel parts
  • Increase parallelism
  • Synchronize the execution
  • Evaluate the results
  • Benefits of ePS Workflow
  • Demonstration of ePS Workflow

Available Dates

Next available webinar dates will follow shortly
Duration: 75 minutes
Language: English

Target Group

Our introductory webinar is suitable for everyone who has started or will have to start with programming for multicore hardware.

Your Host

Dipl.-Ing Oliver Oey
Senior Engineer
+49 721 1803 2883


Not Sure the Webinar Is for You?
Test Your Parallelization Skills

Test your parallelization skills to find out if the webinar is for you. Fill in our interactive questionnaire and check your basic knowledge about parallelization. We will have a look at your answers and get back to you with an honest recommendation.

For any further questions, feel free to use our contact form or contact Rainer Heim. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Rainer Heim

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